What Clients Are Saying

My beloved clients are the reason why I love life coaching.  I am honored to be of service and help you on your path to a fulfilling and joyful life! xoxo Rachel

Working with you has been an absolutely amazing experience! You created an environment of tranquility, safety and nurturing while we undiscovered who I truly am. With your guidance and exercises to work on after every call we revealed the essence of who I am – my values, my core beliefs and what I can/cannot tolerate. I came in with a specific challenge I wanted to address and with your guidance awakened so many parts of me that I didn’t realize were so important. I completely understand now that it’s not just one facet of your life that may not be working, it’s a combination of all facets that need to be attended to in order to live your best possible life. You guided me through a pivotal transition in my career and gave me the ultimate confidence to take a leap of faith in pursuing a new venture. I will continue to use the tools you have given me which will take my life forward into a whole new direction. So many valuable, enlightening moments happened as we were co-creating my life into its next phase. I could not have done this without you and as much as friends and family all want to give their advice on our decisions I highly recommend hiring a life coach who holds the big picture clear for you to pursue step by step. I thank you for coaching me and shifting my perspective in so many areas that I feel completely at ease, liberated and ready for my next chapter!

—J.G., Hotel Sales Director

I decided to work with Rachel after taking a webinar she was hosting, and found it very compelling. On paper, my career was going great, with a new promotion and increased salary. During the day to day, however, I was feeling drained and constantly complaining about things at work to myself and to my family. It was a daily ritual that I didn’t want to endure anymore. I had an overwhelming calling to take a sabbatical from work, but of course, was scared and stuck in fear, wondering if this was the right move for me. I knew I needed Rachel to coach me through this important decision and transition in my life. Her warm approach and understanding way was exactly the help I needed, along with her directness, to get me on the right path to take action on what I ultimately believed was the right next steps for me, but would have been too scared to actually move forward with it, had it not been for our weekly communications and her guidance. The coaching materials she shared and our sessions, allowed me to understand more about who it is I truly am, being clear on what’s most important to me, what I was tolerating in my life that resulted in it being unbearable, and how I can relate with others in the day to day. This information is crucial to get by in life in work and personally. I am continuing to explore through various exercises to discover more about my passions and beliefs. I also discovered that my confidence in myself is something I need to work on and this was not apparent to me prior to working with Rachel. She encouraged me to trust my own decisions and to also bring all of who I am to every interaction since I tend to hold back. I’m putting this all into practice and it feels great! I’m also now doing all I said I would during my hiatus from work, such as volunteering, traveling and taking classes. It’s all because of Rachel’s guidance, encouragement, and excellent coaching exercises. I’m looking forward to working with her again when I’m ready to start figuring out my next career move!

—J.G., Working Mother

“I went into coaching because I felt it was the time for me to reexamine my career and life priorities and goals. I didn’t have absolute clarity on my desired outcome but I just knew that the status quo was not making me happy. I wanted to be proactive about what was next for me. I found coaching with Rachel to be a super helpful experience. Not only were the regularly coaching sessions supportive, but also Rachel’s expertise and gentle push to move forward proved invaluable. I suspect that I would not have followed up and made as much progress without the accountability. Committing to a coaching program kept me moving forward. I doubt that I would have made the same progress without that discipline. And though my focus was on my long-term career path, I found that coaching with Rachel helped me to develop as a person from the perspective of being more kind and helpful. By exploring what is really important to me, I am now more positive and optimistic about what I can do. Overall I feel much more energized, more resilient and happier with my path. I got out of coaching what I hoped I would: increased confidence and clarity about what I am doing with my career and life. I am more confident in who I am, I am taking control and I have the momentum to continue to take action.

—C.H., SVP, Research

I began working with Rachel last summer as I was approaching my 50th birthday. I was unhappy in my job and was questioning decisions I made along my career path. I was hitting 50 hard! Working with Rachel has enabled me to appreciate my skills and understand that it’s ok that all career decisions don’t necessarily work out well. She patiently listens and offers advice to help with self-evaluation and improvement while cutting through the clutter of everyday work politics and responsibilities. After 6 months of working with Rachel, a new career opportunity presented itself. It was not an opportunity I would have even considered prior to my relationship with Rachel. I went through a rapid interview and hiring process and was hired within three weeks. Rachel even helped me prepare for my Skype interviews! Without her help, I would not have had the confidence or motivation to pursue the position. I always appreciated my life outside of work, mostly focused on my husband and two daughters. I took them mostly for granted and instead focused on all the mistakes I made along my career path. My experience with Rachel has made me look at my career choices with a new lens and realize each working experience (even the awful ones) has value. I am still getting adjusted to my new position and although it is much better than my previous job, it still has its day-to-day issues. I use the skills and tools I learned from working with Rachel to address these challenges.

—P.W.P., Director, Small Start-Up

I went into coaching with Rachel to focus on my next career because I was not getting as much fulfillment from my position as I had in the past. However, I was surprised to find that the coaching was not just about my work. We discussed everything in my life from health to relationships to my career and more. I learned to think about things in my life differently and even to consider aspects of my life that I didn’t usually think about at all. I practiced being more mindful about all aspects of my life that I would not have considered before. For instance, it was helpful to consider what I want in my physical living space. It makes a big difference but I hadn’t really thought about it before. And I found it so useful that we discussed both the tactical day-to-day aspects of work and life as well as the grand scheme of what I want to create in life. Talking to Rachel often calmed me because she helped me to gain perspective on what really matters and where to focus my time and energy. I found the exercises and assignments very helpful because they got me to think concretely about what I have done and enjoyed over my life. Revisiting past peak experiences and my feelings about them helped me to get greater clarity on what my priorities are and should be. And I like that I now have records of my self-exploration to look back over in the future as I implement and make changes in my life.

—S.R., VP, Research

Rachel has been a HUGE help during a crazy year. She has an excellent listening ear and through stressful times, she did a great job of really hearing and understanding what I had to say. It was really helpful that she understood the media research business and therefore was able to make more informed recommendations. Her ideas and suggestions were on target because she understood the nitty-gritty of my work. Rachel reminded me of my priorities when I was heading down the wrong path and pursuing opportunities that didn’t really excite me or align with my larger goals.  Some of the main take-aways that have really resonated and stuck with me are that it’s essential to slow down and take breaks in order to recharge, especially in times of overwhelm; that saying “no” to things I don’t want leaves a space for the things I really do want; and that it’s important not to leave my own needs out of the equation even when it feels like there’s no time for them.

—C.O., Media Entrepreneur, Working Mother

One of the things I have learned from coaching with Rachel is the importance of taking the time to look at the big picture. It’s hard if you are very task-oriented like me to accept that you can be even more successful if you slow down. Since working with Rachel, I can see the big picture of my life more clearly, which makes me feel calm. Sure, I still have lots of “to do” lists and lists are still important but it’s my attitude about the lists that has changed. It used to be that I wouldn’t allow myself to feel good until I had checked off everything on the list. Now I am more consistently feeling good whether or not the list is completed. With the greater spaciousness in my thinking I get through coaching, the more I am able to have a bigger impact on all aspects of my life. I was a non-believer about the power of life coaching before working with Rachel. Now I see how you can’t compartmentalize life. My work, being a mother, being a wife, relationships with friends is all connected. Working with Rachel is making all the difference in my whole life.

—M.H., Project Manager, Working Mother

Before working with Rachel, personally, I was at a standstill in my life and needed to “move on.” I felt overwhelmed. I had lost my mom that year and wanted to progress, but didn’t know how to go about it this time around. Going it alone wasn’t working. Rachel is an honest, trustworthy and objective partner who wants to make a difference.  She is an ally who seeks to raise my awareness and go deeper into my needs and motivations. She provides tools and knowledge that I may not have used up to this point. Once we began working together I discovered some things about myself that I’d yet to unearth. Putting my ideas/thoughts down on paper, utilizing her coaching materials, and discussing them with Rachel afterwards “liberated” me to the point where words became action. One of the biggest “obstacles” that she assisted with was allowing me to feel okay with letting go of my vintage/antiques business after 10 years. It had run its course and I didn’t quite know how to move on from it, as it drained me of much of my personal time and creative energy. Once released, it opened the floodgates for my creative writing to manifest and has now become a vital part of my day, both personally and professionally. Making the difference in the lives of others through my writing is a gift I’ve now realized, that may not have happened on its own without the assistance of Rachel.

—D.D., Writer, Teacher